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50 years of experience,
now with state-of-the-art technology

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As a result of our effort to advance to the future,
we are pioneers in using a new production system

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The commitment to a well done job
compels us to continue
improving our product

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Quality is the motto of our team of professionals.
Trusting us, you are supported

GURELAN was founded in 1963 by a group of people with the purpose of promoting the corporative work. Since then, it has evolved and grown into what it is today: a leading company in the production of mycelium and fungi substrate.

GURELAN clearance and seriousness, from technical to commercial level, allows them to offer their customers the quality and security they need in order to get the best results in their own mushroom crops.

In its more than 50 years of experience, GURELAN develops in a constant process of innovation that allows to improve the quality and to increase the range of products. The start up of an exclusively designed production system, based on the most advanced technology, is the result.

Last news

GURELAN Renews in its 50th AnniversaryGURELAN Renews in its 50th Anniversary
GURELAN Renews in its 50th Anniversary

The incorporation of technology applied in pharmaceutical production processes improves the quality of the [+]

Champra uses a new line of mixed for the first timeChampra uses a new line of mixed for the first time
Champra uses a new line of mixed for the first time

S.A.T. Champra, one of the most important companies in the production of button mushroom [+]

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Certificado producto no transgénico

Subención Gobierno Navarra y Unión Europea

«Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 50% por el Gobierno de Navarra y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional a través del Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020 de Navarra».

«Enpresa honek laguntza bat jaso du, erdi bana (%50) finantzatu dutena Nafarroako Gobernuak eta Eskualde Garapeneko Europako Funtsak, Nafarroako EGEF 2014-2020 Programa Eragilearen bidez»

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Polígono Industrial Areta, Calle A, 31.
31620 Huarte (Navarra), Spain

Phone: 00 34 948 330 087
Fax: 00 34 948 331 706

GPS coordinates
Latitude: 42.825855
Longitude: -1.600821